Welcome to Loads
Artisanal textiles through regenerative agriculture
Loads introduces a radical approach to textile production that centers equitable collaboration, ecological sensitivity, and expert craftsmanship.
Transparent partnerships with shepherds and Demeter-certified farmers guarantee exceptional quality, traceable, natural fibres and plant-based colours, cultivated on a gentle scale in reciprocal, rather than extractive, relationships with the land.
Photography Courtesy of Sekem
Established as an extension of the atelier at Studio Claudy Jongstra in Friesland, The Netherlands, Loads draws on 30 years of plant-based pigment research and textile fabrication expertise to create each handmade piece in Loads Collection.
Photography by Heleen Haijtema
Loads offers workshops, panel discussions, lectures, and masterclasses – inviting engagement with net-positive textile systems and drawing connections between the preservation of craft techniques and the conservation of ecosystems.
Photography by Hee Seop Kim
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